Please complete the form below to report any issues you may have and we'll be in touch as soon as possible.
If your maintenance issue is an emergency then please call 01582 343209 immediately. If your emergency is out of normal office hours, please call 07947758449 and leave a message.
Please note that if your emergency is out of normal office hours, you must contact the relevant 'service' immediately as per the suggestions below. Circumstances considered as 'emergency' are as follows;
Some suggested emergency/useful contacts:
Your personal maintenance & repairs reporting system
Please complete the form below to report any issues you may have and we'll be in touch as soon as possible.
If your maintenance issue is an emergency then please call 01582 343209 immediately. If your emergency is out of normal office hours, please call 07947758449 and leave a message.
Please note that if your emergency is out of normal office hours, you must contact the relevant 'service' immediately as per the suggestions below. Circumstances considered as 'emergency' are as follows;
Some suggested emergency/useful contacts:
Belvoir Dunstable and Leighton Buzzard
01582 343209 |
18 Church St, Dunstable, Bedfordshire, LU5 4RU
Bourke and Stewart Ltd trading as Belvoir Dunstable. Registered Office: Staple House, 5 Eleanors Cross, Dunstable, Bedfordshire, England, LU6 1SU. No. 08120709.