Welcome to our maintenance reporting system. Please be as descriptive as possible and always provide a photo of the problem when you can.
Please note if our contractor finds the issue to be caused by improper use or no fault is found the costs may be passed on to you.
Before reporting your issue, please ensure your property is managed by Belvoir Welwyn & St Albans.
Office hours: Our office hours are: Mon - Friday 9am - 6pm, Sat 10am - 4pm, Sunday - closed.
For emergencies during office hours please call 01438 841357
If you have an emergency situation that can't wait until the office is open you will find a list of essential tradespeople we recommend are called below, if you can't reach these and your issue is urgent please call a tradesperson of your choice. Please be aware if the issue is not found to be a genuine emergency you may be responsible for the costs.
If your property is covered by a British Gas or Homeserve policy you will need to call them and not the contractors below - British Gas 0800 365 100, Homeserve 0800 408 9255 - if you are told the issue you are reporting is not covered then please try the contractors below:
Plumbing - Lee Bartlet @ LJB Property Services - 07970 909 732
Electrician - Alex - 07979 254 919
Heating (Gas) - Lee Bartlet @ LJB Property Services - 07970 909 732 or Managed Property Maintenance- 07852167433 or Patwal Plumbing 07530538538
Drains - Call 2 Clear - Ross 07812398359
Locksmith - Right Locksmith - Barry 07507427168
These are approved contractors whom we would suggest are used. We recommend sending a video of the issue to the contractor on Whatsapp to allow them to assess the situation as they will only attend if they deem it an emergency. Please note replacement parts are not always available on the weekends and if the issue requires a replacement part the contractor will not attend until the next working day. If you are unable to reach one of our contractors you may contact an alternative contractor on the understanding that the cost will only be met if found to be both reasonable and a genuine emergency.
If you think you can smell gas, please contact CADENT on 0800 111 999 - they will investigate free of charge. Should you call one of our contractors and no problem is found, please be aware that you will be charged accordingly.
Your personal maintenance & repairs reporting system
Welcome to our maintenance reporting system. Please be as descriptive as possible and always provide a photo of the problem when you can.
Please note if our contractor finds the issue to be caused by improper use or no fault is found the costs may be passed on to you.
Before reporting your issue, please ensure your property is managed by Belvoir Welwyn & St Albans.
Office hours: Our office hours are: Mon - Friday 9am - 6pm, Sat 10am - 4pm, Sunday - closed.
For emergencies during office hours please call 01438 841357
If you have an emergency situation that can't wait until the office is open you will find a list of essential tradespeople we recommend are called below, if you can't reach these and your issue is urgent please call a tradesperson of your choice. Please be aware if the issue is not found to be a genuine emergency you may be responsible for the costs.
If your property is covered by a British Gas or Homeserve policy you will need to call them and not the contractors below - British Gas 0800 365 100, Homeserve 0800 408 9255 - if you are told the issue you are reporting is not covered then please try the contractors below:
Plumbing - Lee Bartlet @ LJB Property Services - 07970 909 732
Electrician - Alex - 07979 254 919
Heating (Gas) - Lee Bartlet @ LJB Property Services - 07970 909 732 or Managed Property Maintenance - 07852167433 or Patwal Plumbing 07530538538
Drains - Call 2 Clear - Ross 07812398359
Locksmith - Right Locksmith - Barry 07507427168
These are approved contractors whom we would suggest are used. We recommend sending a video of the issue to the contractor on Whatsapp to allow them to assess the situation as they will only attend if they deem it an emergency. Please note replacement parts are not always available on the weekends and if the issue requires a replacement part the contractor will not attend until the next working day. If you are unable to reach one of our contractors you may contact an alternative contractor on the understanding that the cost will only be met if found to be both reasonable and a genuine emergency.
If you think you can smell gas, please contact CADENT on 0800 111 999 - they will investigate free of charge. Should you call one of our contractors and no problem is found, please be aware that you will be charged accordingly.
Belvoir Welwyn
01438 841357 | welwyn.pm@belvoir.co.uk
9 High Street, Welwyn, Hertfordshire, AL6 9EE
Jeffersons Jemnics Ltd trading as Belvoir Welwyn & St Albans.
Registered Office: Invision House, Wilbury Way, Hitchin, England, SG4 0TY. No. 3373640.